
Title: Electric Vehicle Technology Explained (2nd Edition)
Author: James Larminie, John Lowry
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2012
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Summary: This book provides a detail understanding on the technology of electric vehicles and how they affect the environment.
Title: Electric Vehicles: Technology, Research and Development
Author: Gerald B Raines
Publisher: Nova Science
Year: 2009
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Summary: This book explains the technical aspects of an electric vehicle battery system, such as capacity, charging/discharging of the battery, efficiency, as well as the performance of the electric vehicle using such battery system.
Title: Electric Vehicle Battery Systems
Author: Sandeep Dhameja
Publisher: Newnes an imprint of Butterworth-Heineman
Year: 2001
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Summary: This book provides a detail understanding on the technology of electric vehicles and how they affect the environment.
Title: Vision for a Sustainable Energy Future
Author: Mark A Gabriel
Publisher: Fairmont Press
Year: 2008
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Summary: This book outlines the megatrends of the energy future, describes their primary issues, and provides examples of transformational technology opportunities. This ultimately brings readers to a vision of a transformed electricity sector that supports the diverse needs of the 21st century.