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regularly. Send your suggestions for topics and articles to feature to library@sutd.edu.sg.


  Lamster, M. (2011). Castles in the Air. Scientific American, 305(3), 76-83.
The number of skyscrapers have been increasing over the years despite the September 11, 2001 attacks. This paper exams the reason behind skyscrapers called supertalls which are over 300 meters tall which are being built all over the world. Topics such as sustainability, green design and earth quake safety issues are discussed.
  Low Energy, but High Impact. (2011). Architectural Record, 199(4), 92-100.
This article examines designing and construction of buildings with consideration for energy conservation in the US. This is after the adoption of the Passive House system of architectural design and construction in the U.S.
  Yonis, G. (2011). Human Factors of Green Architecture:Green Building of Nikken Sekkei. (English). Al-Rafadain Engineering Journal, 19(4), 99-122.
Energy consumption and preservation are two important factors in Green Architecture. This paper suggests that human factors such as comfort and healthy spaces are the most important factors in the design of Green Architecture. The author applies concepts of Japanese traditional architecture with modern day technical approach to achieve this.
  Wang, H., & Thamma, R. (2012). A scheme for functional tolerancing: A product family in 3D CAD system. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 3(1), 81-92.
There is a move towards mass customization away from mass production. Customization is mainly driven by human adjustment that needs a longer process timing and high chance of errors occurring. This paper proposes a scheme for functional tolerancing by 3D CAD.
  Biello, D. (2011). How Green Is My City. Scientific American, 305(3), 66-69.
Costs are the main reason eco-cities are never built. However without making cities greener, demand for resources would be three times greater than what is available by the year 2015. The article discusses ideas to conserve water and energy and also waste management processes that are environmentally friendly.
  Bettencourt, L. A., & West, G. B. (2011). Bigger Cities Do More with Less. Scientific American, 305(3), 52-53.
Discussion on the reasons behind the success of cities that are growing and also the challenges posed to cities that have little infrastructure or rapid expansion. Suggestions that cities success is due to expanding wealth, population and high social interactions.
  Glaeser, E. (2011). Engines of Innovation. Scientific American, 305(3), 50-55.:
Focusing on how city dwellers can innovate and collaborate globally to share and produce ideas. This includes the use of online social networks such as facebook to facilitate discussion and creation of ideas.


  Biello, D. (2011). The false promise of Biofuels. Scientific American, 305(2), 58-65.
Discussion of the failure to deliver biomass fuels to the market due to many factors such as cost and inability to produce volume to meet supply and leading to the failure of many bio fuel companies.
  Pascu, R., & Sofronie, R. (2011). Durability of critical infrastructures. Advances in Environmental Sciences, 3(2), 167-186.
This paper discusses the application of mathematical tools and linear models to increase the durability of infrastructures against natural disasters and terrorist attacks. A number of models are applied depending on the topological conditions.


  Computing Without Processors. (2011). Communications of the ACM, 54(8), 46-54.
The article discusses the opportunities which heterogeneous computer hardware elements offer to computer programmers. It is noted that graphics processing units, field-programmable gate arrays, and multicore processors can be used together, each focusing on a different aspect of computer processing to which they are well suited. The Accelerator system from Microsoft is cited as an example of a data-parallel programming system which is neutral as to computer language, and can be used to drive multiple types of hardware.
  Skinput: Appropriating the Skin as an Interactive Canvas. (2011). Communications of the ACM, 54(8), 111-118.
Skinput is a technology where by mechanical vibrations from the body as input to communicate to computers. This paper discusses the use of skinput technology together with a pico-projector to derive an interactive graphical user interface.
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